The Oil Industries Club to sign an Agreement with The Worshipful Company of Fuellers  


Dear Fellow Member,

I am delighted to inform you of a recent development that will give all our members many more opportunities to socialise and network with like-minded people from the energy industry.

The Oil Industry Club is about to sign an association document with The Worshipful Company of Fuellers. This will give members of our Club the ability to book places at a number of Fuellers’ events, likewise Fuellers can join us at our OIC events. Both organisations are aware that their own members must take priority before places are released to the other organisation however this agreement will allow The Fuellers Clerk and our Secretary to ensure we have good numbers at all events.

The association document is planned to be signed at the Fuellers’ Election Court Meeting on April 24th at Mercers Hall in The City of London. This will be followed by a lunch at the Hall to celebrate the election of the next Fuellers’ Master, HRH Prince Edward, and of course our association with The Fuellers.

Members of The OIC will be able to book tickets for this lunch and more details including prices will be circulated shortly by our Secretary John Hampton. Unfortunately this lunch clashes with our Golf Day at St. Georges Hill so I am sure our golfers will not be able to make it but there will be plenty of future opportunities to attend other similar lunches and dinners.

I am a member of The Fuellers and a Past Master, the current Fuellers’ Master Shravan Joshi is also a member of The OIC and between us we are keen to make this work and hopefully offer you and Fuellers some additional fun and interesting events. Members of The OIC will be able to look forward to a number of black tie dinners in the year based in The City at various livery halls with all their splendour. In addition there are industry conversations where an energy expert will speak and then answer questions. There are occasional energy visits, although sometimes numbers are limited, these can include oil installations, nuclear power stations,  wind farms and other similar such events.

Most Fuellers’ functions are open to guests: many members will attend with their partners which I highly recommend as the magnificent locations will be hard to describe when you return home!  However of course many also attend on their own so either way OIC members will be in good company.

I hope you find this initiative a positive step for The OIC and I look forward to joining many of you at future Fuellers’ functions and welcoming Fuellers to our events.

If you would like to learn more about The Fuellers go to:

Yours sincerely,

Dennis Woods
